Advancing on the path
As one progresses further on the path, the potential for transformation expands both in nature and acceleration. While the practice may yield personal benefits, the essence of the Buddhist path transcends individual achievements. Deepening the practice extends into various aspects of life, from personal relationships to its integration into our professional endeavors. Whether through annual commitments to retreats or establishing a more ‘formal’ relationship with a teacher, the exploration of options offers diverse ways to hasten the transformation process. Recognizing the preciousness of human life and the finite nature of time, employing skillful means to accelerate our transformation for the benefit of others becomes the cornerstone of a robust Buddhist practice.
In contemporary times, the entry point into Buddhism has become remarkably diverse compared to its initial introduction to the West. While the intellectual allure of Buddhism has attracted many armchair enthusiasts, the true power of Buddhism lies in its practice. Taking refuge in the three jewels of Buddhism doesn’t necessitate exclusivity from other traditions. However, it’s through deeper exploration that the richness of the practice unfolds.
Learn how people deepen their practice.
Other Practices
The depth of Buddhist practices surpasses mere meditation, encompassing a spectrum of activities from chanting to visualization. This diverse range of practices serves as a means to cultivate the qualities of wisdom and compassion, offering varied approaches tailored to the unique needs and preferences of individuals.
Learn about the diversity of other practices.
The proof of the practice extends beyond mere peace or intellectual realizations; it manifests in the way it is embodied in our daily experiences. Whether it’s the routine task of washing dishes or seamlessly integrating the practice into the professional workplace, its vitality becomes evident in our interactions with others. The essence of the practice comes to life in the nuanced and practical application within the fabric of our everyday lives.
Learn how the practice is integrated into daily life.
With the central tenet of nurturing wisdom and compassion within ourselves to benefit all others, it’s evident that the transformation of practitioners’ relationships takes center stage. As our spiritual maturity evolves, the quality of our relationships becomes a reflective mirror to that maturity.
Learn about the impact on relationships.
Personal Adversity
In addition to influencing our interpersonal relationships, the potency of teachings and practice manifests in how we navigate personal adversity. Whether grappling with addictions or facing the challenges of cancer, the transformative impact of the practice on such intense forms of suffering becomes a testament to our spiritual maturity.
Learn about how people manage personal adversities.
Role of Teachers
The role of the teacher remains a highly debated subject in Western Buddhism. The influence of power structures and capitalist motivations has understandably led to a diminished perception of this role. However, it remains a topic worthy of exploration, particularly when contemplating the pace of our spiritual maturation and navigating the subtleties of the ego within the context of spiritual practice.
Learn about their role from the student’s perspective or what they have to say on the subject.
Fruit of Practice
Profound transformations in lay practitioners may not always be overtly witnessed or discussed, yet they undeniably exist. Many individuals, while remaining modest about their spiritual maturity, occasionally reveal the depth of their transformation through the quiet confidence they exude.
Learn about what spiritual maturity may look like.
How does Buddhist philosophy and practices support the global challenges that we are facing ? From political polarization to climate change, understanding the nature of phenomena and having a sustainable personal response to these global challenges can make the difference between apathy and healthy engagement.
Learn how global issues are framed.
While perpetually challenging within the constraints of a modern lifestyle marked by insufficient time and resources, the concept of a retreat as a vessel to deepen one’s practice remains a cornerstone of Buddhist philosophy. The opportunity to delve into the profound realms of study and meditation that a retreat affords serves as a tangible and experiential return on investment for one’s spiritual practice.
Learn the importance of this container.
Death and Reincarnation
While not the most popular topic for contemplation, death and reincarnation are integral parts of the Buddhist canon. How practitioners navigate and engage with these subjects as part of their practice becomes a bridge that we all must cross. For many, discussing these matters within the context of the relative material world suffices. However, for others, delving into these subjects can represent the final and ultimate expression of their practice.
Learn about this important subject.
The concept of enlightenment in Buddhism often faces challenges in translation, especially in the context of the modern landscape. Frequently, contemporary terminology used by some teachers refers to true liberation in both the relative and ultimate senses. How practitioners engage with and grapple with this concept becomes a pivotal part of their journey, offering a glimpse into the profound possibilities that unfold within the realm of enlightenment.
Learn about the possibility.
Practitioners with over 15 years of experience
Genjo's journey began in a family disconnected from religious traditions, shaped by a scientific worldview. Intrigued by the origins of inspiration and insight, he embarked on a spiritual quest during college. A transformative encounter with an English teacher, Jim Chambers, introduced him to the classical humanistic tradition, prompting profound questions about the sources of creativity and wisdom. Initially drawn to science, Genjo's quest led him to Buddhism, which offered a harmonious blend of spiritual practice and scientific inquiry. Engaging with a Vinaya teacher at UCLA's College of Oriental Studies, he discovered the fusion of social activism and spirituality through a Zen priest who had evolved from a Christian missionary to a Vietnam War protester.
Alex G
For Alex, the karmic approach resonated, particularly focusing on desire types—those motivated by what they like. He expressed a preference for a lifestyle seamlessly integrated into everyday life, avoiding a disconnect between meditation and regular activities. Alex embraced the concept of tantra, emphasizing the incorporation of spiritual practices into every moment. He discussed the importance of holding a high-level view after meditation, seeing everything as perfect, pure, and full of potential. To him, recognizing the inherent Buddha nature in beings and appreciating the positive aspects of people's lives were paramount.
Lisa, currently residing in Nashville, Tennessee, originated from Florida and spent part of her youth in Atlanta before settling in Nashville. Discovering Buddhism at the age of 17 during a high school elective on Zen Buddhism, Lisa found solace in the teachings of impermanence, especially during a challenging period when she lost both parents at the age of 16.
But he looked at me and he said, You look so happy. He said, What happened? I’ve tried all my life to make you happy. You look so happy. What happened? I said, I have never felt so peaceful and happy and content in my entire life and it’s not a result of anything outside of me. It’s a result of of working deeply within myself and meditating.
Lama Palden
My experience with Tibetan Buddhism as both a student and teacher has been truly life changing. I have been drawn to the Himalayan region of the world since I was a small child, and realizing that the path I was on wasn't working , more than 20 odd years ago, I started to study the Buddhadharma in earnest.
As she reached the limits of her knowledge in Hinduism, Shinchok turned her attention to the Mahāmudrā, discovering that Buddhist teachings provided the answers she sought. Her desire for a genuine meditation master led her to a Buddhist center where she encountered the teachings of Je Tsongkhapa. Feeling a profound connection, she embraced Buddhism and its emphasis on devotion, recognizing it as a path to crack open her heart and discover her true self.
In brief, I currently aspire to the Vajrayana path as laid out by the great masters of the Indian and Tibetan Buddhist lineages. Many have dedicated their entire lives to the preservation of their lineage which has been unbroken and thus is an intact living lineage, still “whispered” from teacher to student .
Willy and Kim
My first exposure to Buddhism wasn’t significant. In fact, it was a turn off. A man who claimed to be Buddhist visited our high school and basically told our class his goal was to become a heartless robot. Well, not entirely, but pretty much… There wasn’t any joy.