The journey onto a Buddhist path is rarely one defining moment but a series of insights and experiences. Even though the Buddhist philosophy appeals to the rational/intellectual mindset, the journey really begins with embodied practice.

Lennell Lennell is a professor and have explored many different spiritual traditions before committing to the Buddhist path within the Won lineage. She recalls how she overcame her intellectual propensity to make the dharma a living experience. Learn about her story. George George's journey into the dharma is not typical but nonetheless relatable. From a simple book about mindful eating, George dived hard into the practice and had a strong desire to share the teachings. Learn about his path. Kalpana Kalpana spent her childhood in India surrounded by the countries rich spiritual tradition. Immigrating to the US to practice western medicine, she became disillusion by the western approach to healing and pivoted to acupuncture. Her discovery of Won Buddhism later in life was timely in supporting the challenges of old age and sickness. Listen to her journey. Amber Amber grew up in a fairly well to do upbringing yet suffering still played a significant role in her life. Although a strong yoga practice supported her in young adulthood, a meeting with a Tibetan monk blew open the doors into the dharma in a dramatic fashion. She then she has wholehearted embrace the practice and recognize the significance of her suffering as a foundation into the path. Learn about his story. DonOVAN Donovan's journey is a familiar theme in which substance abuse led to overwhelming suffering for him and his family. He tried the traditional approaches was able to 'recover' but the deep healing didn't come into he met a teacher from the Bon Lineage. Listen to his story. Kim Kim was fortunate to be born into a family of Buddhist practitioners. Even so, her journey was not without it's twist and turns. From the implosion of Against the Stream sangha to incorporating other traditions, she makes the path her own. Watch her interview. Arron Aaron's kundalini awakening in college left an indelible impression that sparked his quest to make sense of it. His journey continues to intertwine with his foundation in yoga and the power of zen practice. Hear his story.

As the journey progresses, the integration and work becomes more subtle. The work to experience the the path not just a formal sitting but a continuous activity on multiple fronts. At some point, there is a point of no return and the question becomes how far will the path take us.

GRACE Grace was born into a family of practitioners but had to forge her own path within the western expression of the lineage. Her appreciation of the practice didn't come until she dealt with her father's death and saw firsthand the transformation that he embodied through the practice. Learn about her story. CHRISTOPHER Christopher was drawn to a spiritual path since his teenage years and explored a number of traditions including Mormonism. Even though he was interested in Zen and Jodo Shinshu lineages, he ultimately crafted own practice and founded the Salt Lake City Buddhist Fellowship. Learn about his path. CYNTHIA Cythnia's journey into the dharma was through AA's 12 step program. Like others that achieved 'success' from the western perspective and recognized its limitation, she pivoted her life into finding true liberation through the teachings. Listen to her journey. LINDA Linda's foray into the dharma started at the local community center. The acceptance sangha and silence of meditation provide solace from her stressful life as a lawyer. The challenges of her upbringing played a significant influence in feeling at home with the Zen lineage. Learn about her story. WILLIAM William's worldly childhood and spiritual influences of his grandmother laid the foundation for his spiritual quest in adulthood. After exploring a number of different lineages, he found the most resonance with Jodo Shinshu lineage. As a combat veteran, he focuses on applying his practice to supporting other veterans. Listen to his story. Alex Alex is the CEO of a bio tech company in the Bay Area. His upbringing had the 'typical' Asian immigrant narrative and he dutifully fulfilled those expectations. As he practice deepened in the Zen lineage, he brings his practice into his work environment in many ways. Watch his interview.

What does a lifetime of practice look like in this modern age? With the diversity of linages, the goal isn't always about enlightenment but the fullest expression of that lineage. For the dharma to be deeply rooted in the modern world, it will be the lineage holders that will anchor the blossoming.

Rigzin Rigzin's journey into the dharma is particularly interesting considering the intimacy she has had with Tibetan lineage masters. Her experience runs the gamut of having completed the traditional 3 year retreat, marrying a Tibetan lama and living as a modern day yogi with wolves. Learn about her story. Nancy Nancy has a rich spiritual history where you explored a number of traditions. A brief encounter with the Dalai Lama accelerated her path onto Vajrayana. She experienced a devastating physical disability for over 10 years and tribute her ability to skillfully navigate that challenge to her practice. Learn about her challenge. Bruce The american success story didn't quite live up to Bruce's expectation and his spiritual journey stemmed from that realization. Even though he spent much time with Tibetan Buddhism, he ultimately become a monk within the Zen lineage for some time. Listen to his journey. David David had a 'traditional' blue color/military discipline style upbringing. His entry into the dharma met with much resistance from habits of his upbringing. Yet, his perseverance to the path yield a rich experience in the Shambhala lineage. Learn about his story. Joann Joann's path into spirituality started in college and she has come full circle in being a Buddhsist chaplain at her alma mater. From a foundation of yoga and secular mindfulness, she discovered Zen 'late' in life. A remarkable journey in small college town. Listen to her story. Gareth Gareth was the typical busy corporate executive that experienced a spiritual epiphany that actually carried him through a lifelong journey through many traditions. He produced thought provoking podcasts around finding meaning in the business world and took part in many interfaith dialogues. Watch his interview.