Ofosu Jones-Corte, also known as Born I, is a multifaceted artist and spiritual practitioner living in Rockville, Maryland. He is a musician, mindfulness and meditation teacher, Dharma practitioner, husband, father, author, fashion designer, and visual artist. Born didn't grow up in a strictly religious household. His family's West African roots typically involved Christianity or Islam, but his parents weren't overtly religious. Around the age of six to eight, his mother discovered Buddhism and began practicing in the Nichiren tradition, where they chant the mantra Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo. Born often accompanied his mother to the temple, immersing himself in the serene and enchanting atmosphere, which reminded him of the heroic figures he admired in kung fu movies.
wpadmin2024-06-05T14:13:13+00:00Elinore's journey through spirituality was one of exploration, introspection, and profound experiences. Raised in the Presbyterian tradition, she found herself drawn to the teachings of Jesus, particularly the essence of compassion and empathy encapsulated in the golden rule. However, she grappled with the disconnect between her religious upbringing and its application in her daily life. Her spiritual quest led her down various paths, including a period of agnosticism where she delved into the research of near-death experiences. This exploration sparked a realization within her that there was something beyond the material realm, igniting a thirst for deeper understanding and connection.
wpadmin2024-06-02T00:42:17+00:00Steven resides in Bozeman, Montana, with his wife and 13-year-old son, accompanied by a couple of cats. Despite a professional background in science education and media production, Steven now primarily fulfills the role of a house spouse, dedicating himself to supporting his family, Sangha community, and Dharma community. A digital artist and enthusiast of photography and outdoor activities, Steven finds joy in creating art and contributing to the beauty of the world. His commitment to fostering relationships and communities stems from a deep desire to bring more beauty into the world. However, he acknowledges the challenges he faced in establishing connections earlier in life, crediting his Dharma practice for helping align his aspirations with skills and abilities.
Ani Pema
wpadmin2025-03-13T13:33:11+00:00Pema resides in Madison, Wisconsin, and is an integral part of Joyful Path Meditation and Healing Center, affiliated with the White Conch Dharma Center. Engaged in both lay and monastic practices, Pema plays diverse roles within the organization, serving as a chaplain, Dharma teacher in training, and a listener for spiritual queries.
wpadmin2024-06-02T17:12:21+00:00Well, first of all, when I was young, I was I was interested in Zen. And, you know, interestingly, there's a connection between music and Buddhism for me because my very first violin teacher, he was interested in Zen Buddhism. And, and so he would he would sometimes say a few things. He was really amazing guy just, you know, really talented in so many areas of, kind of kind of a genius type. Um, and, um, yeah. So, you know, based on that, I thought, oh yeah, that sounds like a really cool thing. So I explored a little bit, right, a little bit when I was young, you know, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. I love that.
wpadmin2024-06-02T17:16:10+00:00So my my spiritual journey, I started the Salt Lake Buddhist Fellowship about almost nine years ago after reading a book called River of Fire River of Water. And it was interesting because I had picked up the book off of the used bookshelf many times before. It had put it down, put it down, put it down. And then one day it just picked it up and read it. And it was pretty transformative, even though I didn’t I even though I didn’t buy everything in the book, like hook, line and sinker and like, Oh, this is Nirvana and this is what I wanted.
wpadmin2024-06-02T17:22:37+00:00But he looked at me and he said, You look so happy. He said, What happened? I’ve tried all my life to make you happy. You look so happy. What happened? I said, I have never felt so peaceful and happy and content in my entire life and it’s not a result of anything outside of me. It’s a result of of working deeply within myself and meditating.
Lama Palden
wpadmin2024-06-03T15:32:50+00:00My experience with Tibetan Buddhism as both a student and teacher has been truly life changing. I have been drawn to the Himalayan region of the world since I was a small child, and realizing that the path I was on wasn't working , more than 20 odd years ago, I started to study the Buddhadharma in earnest.
wpadmin2024-06-03T18:26:19+00:00And so it’s fit well with my traditional, the way I had been before I found Buddhism, which was as an agnostic or atheist. So this there wasn’t any conflict between those different philosophies of life. The other part of Buddhism that I was extremely attracted to is that it was besides the fact that it gave you a pathway, a curriculum, it was very laid out to achieve this wisdom and this peace that comes from that.