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Ofosu Jones-Corte, also known as Born I, is a multifaceted artist and spiritual practitioner living in Rockville, Maryland. He is a musician, mindfulness and meditation teacher, Dharma practitioner, husband, father, author, fashion designer, and visual artist. Born didn't grow up in a strictly religious household. His family's West African roots typically involved Christianity or Islam, but his parents weren't overtly religious. Around the age of six to eight, his mother discovered Buddhism and began practicing in the Nichiren tradition, where they chant the mantra Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo. Born often accompanied his mother to the temple, immersing himself in the serene and enchanting atmosphere, which reminded him of the heroic figures he admired in kung fu movies.


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It wasn't until college that James began to reconcile his identity, discovering and embracing Chicano, African American, Native American, and queer histories, which he had not been exposed to in his earlier education. This period of self-discovery was both exciting and challenging, as it led to difficult conversations with his parents, who viewed his newfound perspectives as rebellious. James' search for a spiritual home led him to explore Buddhism in his 20s. Initially self-taught through books and videos, he was particularly drawn to the teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh. It wasn't until 2018-2019 that he discovered Won Buddhism, which resonated deeply with him. The inclusive and non-judgmental community at the LA temple and the One Institute Graduate Studies program provided a safe space for James to explore his identity and spirituality freely.

Zen Master Ji Haeng

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In the narrative of Zen Master Ji Haeng, the journey unfolds from the bustling stages of the music world to the tranquil realms of Zen practice. From his beginnings as a skilled musician, sharing the spotlight with icons like Frank Sinatra and Aretha Franklin, to his eventual immersion in the serene landscape of Zen, the story is one of profound transformation.

David M

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Raised in a Catholic family, David went through the sacraments and attended a Catholic college, but his move to California after college exposed him to diverse perspectives, sparking a more intentional spiritual exploration. Professionally, David has dedicated the majority of his career to nonprofit management, focusing on contemplative and mindfulness education, environmental education, and their intersections.

Lama Thupten Rinpoche

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Lama Thupten was always drawn to meditative practices, even before they were formally defined as such. He lived in many places throughout his life, but one of the most significant was Selma, Alabama. Thupten witnessed the brutality of racism firsthand, but he also found solace in nature and solitude. Even as a child, he spent a lot of time alone, observing the world around him. 

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