Zen Master Ji Haeng

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In the narrative of Zen Master Ji Haeng, the journey unfolds from the bustling stages of the music world to the tranquil realms of Zen practice. From his beginnings as a skilled musician, sharing the spotlight with icons like Frank Sinatra and Aretha Franklin, to his eventual immersion in the serene landscape of Zen, the story is one of profound transformation.


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Elinore's journey through spirituality was one of exploration, introspection, and profound experiences. Raised in the Presbyterian tradition, she found herself drawn to the teachings of Jesus, particularly the essence of compassion and empathy encapsulated in the golden rule. However, she grappled with the disconnect between her religious upbringing and its application in her daily life. Her spiritual quest led her down various paths, including a period of agnosticism where she delved into the research of near-death experiences. This exploration sparked a realization within her that there was something beyond the material realm, igniting a thirst for deeper understanding and connection.

Lama Thupten Rinpoche

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Lama Thupten was always drawn to meditative practices, even before they were formally defined as such. He lived in many places throughout his life, but one of the most significant was Selma, Alabama. Thupten witnessed the brutality of racism firsthand, but he also found solace in nature and solitude. Even as a child, he spent a lot of time alone, observing the world around him. 

David G

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But same time they said, well, Shambala is having a level 1/2 Trump came up with the very. Yeah actually in retrospect a really clever way to to get past the overemphasis of the religion part of it and really just give us the tools to become own meditation instructor.

Shinge Roshi

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Shinge Roko Sherry Chayat Roshi is abbot of the Zen Studies Society’s mountain monastery, Dai Bosatsu Zendo Kongo-ji, and New York City temple, New York Zendo Shobo-ji, and is also abbot of the Zen Center of Syracuse Hoen-ji in Syracuse, NY.

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