
Liz is a Korean American who was born and raised in New York City, living bicostally between New York and LA for much of her life after the age of 15, and is now based in LA. Her parents are from South Korea, where Mahayana Buddhism has been a significant part of the culture for many centuries, although Christianity has become more prevalent in modern times. Despite her mother’s later conversion to Catholicism, which influenced Liz’s early education and religious practices, Liz never fully subscribed to the Catholic faith. Instead, she appreciated certain aspects of it and was later drawn to Hatha Yoga and Hindu culture.

Liz’s spiritual journey took a pivotal turn when she encountered Tibetan Buddhism, which resonated with her deeply. This interest grew more formal during a challenging period in her life marked by personal and friends’ struggles, highlighting themes of impermanence and loss. Attending Dharma teachings at a Center, she met Thupten Phuntsok, a former monk and her first Dharma teacher. Despite the Gelug lineage’s conservative reputation, Phuntsok’s heartfelt and sincere teaching style profoundly impacted Liz, laying a solid foundation for her spiritual path.


Liz reflects on her upbringing and cultural identity, shaped significantly by her Korean heritage despite being born in America. Raised by her Korean-speaking grandfather, her early years were immersed in Korean language and culture, which influenced her deeply. Growing up in predominantly white neighborhoods sparked early awareness of her differences, leading to a childhood preoccupied with assimilation and a struggle to fit in.

Throughout her career in branding and fashion, Liz has navigated environments where her Asian cultural values, such as respect and humility, sometimes clashed with Western norms. This cultural dissonance has posed challenges in forming genuine connections and feeling a sense of belonging, both in professional settings and in forging lasting relationships through her work, including with Samaya.

Realizing the need to balance cultural heritage with personal growth, Liz explores practices like guru yoga to cultivate healthy pride and set boundaries that protect her from unhealthy dynamics. This journey of self-discovery and integration continues to shape her approach to life and work.


Liz, after several years of practicing meditation, started a brand called Samaya, which specializes in making meditation cushions. Her venture began organically out of a personal need for a meditation cushion that suited her taste, as she couldn’t find one she liked on the market. With her background in fashion and design, she used her industry contacts to produce these cushions.

Despite not being a business person by nature, Liz approached Samaya with intentionality, connecting it to her practice. The name “Samaya” means commitment in Sanskrit, reflecting the dedication to personal growth and the cultivation of love and wisdom. Liz believes deeply in the transformative power of meditation to alleviate suffering, which motivates her to continue the business.

Before founding Samaya, Liz worked as a fashion designer in New York City, where she experienced the glamorous front of the fashion industry juxtaposed with its toxic and wasteful behind-the-scenes reality. Disillusioned by the aggressive and emotionally charged environment, she left the industry, finding greater purpose in Samaya.

Liz ensures ethical production practices for Samaya, doing all production in the US and sourcing materials from responsible vendors. Her team is small and family-run, operating from what used to be her mother’s production facility. She aims to detach her personal identity from the brand, focusing instead on the greater purpose of promoting meditation and its benefits.

Samaya’s mission is to address suffering by fostering self-reflection and awareness, contributing to a more harmonious world. Liz strives to blend her love for beauty and design with this mission, considering the brand successful if it positively impacts people’s consciousness and reduces violence in daily life.

Despite the challenges of running a business, Liz values collaboration and community. She enjoys working with her teacher on specialized projects and making deeper aspects of practice accessible to all. Balancing the practicality of business with her mission and identity remains a challenge, as she seeks to make Samaya approachable to a broad audience without losing its essence.


Liz discovered Buddhist meditation early in her spiritual journey, particularly drawn to practices like death meditation, which helped her embrace impermanence and appreciate the value of life. These meditations provided her with a profound framework for developing awareness and intentionality, distinguishing Buddhist meditation from secular mindfulness by its clear goals and structured path toward liberation from afflictions.

Her journey towards taking refuge in Buddhism was deliberate, waiting for the right circumstances and teacher before formally committing. Liz views taking refuge as a daily practice, especially crucial during times of struggle or suffering, offering a grounding amidst life’s challenges. She emphasizes the importance of restraint in difficult moments, recognizing it as a vital step in personal growth and spiritual development.

Tibetan Yoga

Liz reflects on her upbringing in a family marked by short tempers, contrasting with her own reserved nature. For much of her life, she believed herself incapable of anger or deep joy, until she began meditating and delving into inner work. This journey led her to uncover suppressed rage and other emotions, previously buried and blocking her true self. Traditional therapy helped to some extent, but it was Tibetan yoga that truly enabled Liz to process and release these emotions effectively. Through breathwork, visualization, and subtle anatomy awareness, Tibetan yoga facilitated the flow of energy through her body, allowing her to confront and transform long-suppressed feelings. She came to understand that all emotions, including anger and aversion, are natural energies that can be harnessed and transformed into wisdom. This holistic approach not only healed relational trauma but also empowered Liz to navigate life with greater emotional awareness and resilience.

Tibetan Medicine

Liz finds Sowa Rigpa to be a profound complement to her Dharma practice, rooted in the understanding of the five elements present within both ourselves and nature. This perspective fosters compassion and understanding towards others, recognizing their unique elemental composition and how it influences their behaviors and health.  Sowa Rigpa’’s emphasis on addressing root causes aligns with Vajrayana teachings, focusing on subtle anatomy and the interplay between physical and mental health. Liz values  Sowa Rigpa for its practical applications in meditation and healing, integrating it seamlessly into her spiritual journey for holistic well-being.


Liz integrates Yuthok Nyingthig and Sowa Rigpa practices into her spiritual journey, emphasizing their interconnectedness and profound impact on her well-being.  Yuthok Nyingthig,, rooted in teachings from Dr. Nita, encompasses practices like Ngondro, outer, inner, and secret guru yogas, dakini practices, the six yogas, and Mahamudra. These practices resonate deeply with Liz, offering experiential rather than intellectual growth, particularly through inner guru yoga, which helps her connect with her inner wisdom amidst feelings of self-loathing and disconnection.

Sowa Rigpa, focusing on prevention and healing through natural medicines and therapies, balances the five elements and energy flow, providing Liz with practical tools to address physical imbalances like heavy earth-water energies. She finds these practices essential for managing her well-being on both physical and spiritual levels, aiming for specific, tangible outcomes rather than abstract concepts. Through her practice, Liz cultivates a holistic approach to self-care and spiritual growth, embracing the inclusion of herself within the compassion extended to all sentient beings.


Liz integrates Yuthok Nyingthig and Sowa Rigpa practices into her spiritual journey, emphasizing their interconnectedness and profound impact on her well-being.  Yuthok Nyingthig,, rooted in teachings from Dr. Nita, encompasses practices like Ngondro, outer, inner, and secret guru yogas, dakini practices, the six yogas, and Mahamudra. These practices resonate deeply with Liz, offering experiential rather than intellectual growth, particularly through inner guru yoga, which helps her connect with her inner wisdom amidst feelings of self-loathing and disconnection.

Sowa Rigpa, focusing on prevention and healing through natural medicines and therapies, balances the five elements and energy flow, providing Liz with practical tools to address physical imbalances like heavy earth-water energies. She finds these practices essential for managing her well-being on both physical and spiritual levels, aiming for specific, tangible outcomes rather than abstract concepts. Through her practice, Liz cultivates a holistic approach to self-care and spiritual growth, embracing the inclusion of herself within the compassion extended to all sentient beings.


Liz values her Sangha deeply but acknowledges a tendency towards self-isolation, preferring solitary retreats and personal reflection even during group activities. She appreciates the supportive environment of her Sangha while maintaining a personal boundary to safeguard her autonomy and prevent unhealthy attachments. Liz views Sangha as a space for cultivating healthy relationships and vulnerability, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a safe and non-competitive atmosphere. She approaches interactions within her Sangha with care, mindful of the emotional dynamics and the need to foster a supportive community conducive to spiritual growth.


Liz’s journey into the Dharma began with fortuitously stumbling upon Dr. Nita’s Tibetan yoga class upon returning to Los Angeles. Initially seeking a Dharma community, she discovered Dr. Nita’s teachings on Tibetan yoga and traditional Tibetan medicine, known as Sowa Rigpa. Dr. Nita, a ngakpa and yogi from Amdo Tibet, became a significant mentor and guide in Liz’s spiritual life, profoundly influencing her path in the Dharma. His teachings on Yuthok Nyingthig and Tibetan medicine have played a pivotal role in shaping Liz’s spiritual practices and understanding.

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